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  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Articles sent to the editorial staff of Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Studi Keislaman dan Pendidikan must comply with the following technical requirements:

  1. Articles are conceptual papers or research results of Islamic studies and education.
  2. Articles are authentic works and have never been published in other journals (scientific periodicals) or potpourri books.
  3. Articles are written in Indonesian, Arabic or standard English with a space of 1.5 cm on A4 paper and sent in printed form (print out) as much as 1 copy or sent by email to the address: [email protected]. Writing length 15-20 pages. Articles must be submitted no later than two months before the journal is published.
  4. Include an abstract in Indonesian and English, or Arabic for a maximum of 200 words; in each abstract followed by a keyword (keyword).
  5. The name of the author of the article (without academic title, position, or rank) is included along with correspondence address, email address, and/or office or cell phone number.
  6. Referrals in articles use the footnote model by paying attention to the specificities of the referenced references, such as books, translated books, volume books, potpourri books, articles in anthologies, articles in journals, articles in encyclopedias, articles on websites (internet), articles in mass media (magazines or newspapers), theses, theses, dissertations, and scriptures. As an example:

A. Buku—Jamâl al-Bannâ, Naḥw Fiqh Jadîd: Munṭaliqât wa Mafâhîm (Kairo: Dâr al-Fikr al-Islâmî, 1999), 23.

B. Buku Terjemahan—Chalmers, A. F., Apa itu yang Dinamakan Ilmu? Suatu Penilaian tentang Watak dan Status Ilmu serta Metodenya, terj. Redaksi Hasta Mitra (Jakarta: Hasta Mitra, 1983), 26.

C. Buku berjilid—Nadîm Marghalî dan Usâmah Marghalî, al-Murshid ilâ Kanz al-‘Ummâl fî Sunan al-Aqwâl wa al-Af‘âl, Vol. 1, Ḥadîth ke-2454 (Beirut: Muassasah al-Risâlah, Cet. Ke-3, 1989), 121.

D. Artikel dalam Buku—Sarjuni, “Anarkisme Epistemologis Paul Karl Feyerabend”, dalam Listiyono Santoso dkk, Epistemologi Kiri(Yogyakarta: ar-Ruzz, 2003), 155.

E. Artikel dalam Ensiklopedia—Samsu Rizal Panggabean, “Dîn, Dunyâ, dan Dawlah” dalam Ensiklopedi Tematis Dunia Islam, Vol. 6 (Jakarta: PT Ichtiar Baru van Hoeve, t.th.), 50.

F. Artikel dalam Jurnal—‘Abd al-Amîr Zâhid, “al-Khiṭâb al-‘Almânî al-‘Arabî al-Mu‘âṣir: Târîkhîyatuh wa Bunyatuh al-Mawḍû‘îyah” dalam al-Minhâj, Vol. 27 (Kairo: Muassasah al-Ahrâm, 2002), 14.

G. Artikel dalam Media Massa—Muhammad AS Hikam, “NU dan Gerakan Civil Society di Indonesia”, Suara Pembaruan, 03 Agustus 1994, 1.

H. Artikel dalam Internet—Hâshim Ṣâliḥ, “Jamâl al-Bannâ bayn al-Iṣlâḥ al-Dînî wa al-Tanwîr” dalam www.assyarqalawsat.com/24-Mei-2004/diakses 20-Juni-2008.

I. Skripsi, Tesis, dan Disertasi—Thoha Hamim, “Moenawar Chalil’s Reformist Thought: A Study of an Indonesian Religious Scholar (1908-1961) (Disertasi--McGill University, 1996), 81.

J. Kitab Suci: al-Qur’ân dan Injil—QS. al-Fâtiḥah [1]: 4; Perjanjian Baru, Yoh. 20: 31.

7. Penulisan Artikel dalam Jurnal Attanwir ini menggunakan pedoman transliterasi Arab-Indonesia sebagaimana dalam buku panduan yang ditetapkan oleh Progam Studi Filsafat Agama Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya sebagai berikut. yaitu; ب ,(’) ا (b), ت (t), ث (th), ج (j), ح (ḥ), خ (kh), د (d), ذ (dh), ر (r), ز (z), س (s), ش (sh), ص (ṣ), ض (ḍ), ط (ṭ), ظ (ẓ), ع (‘), غ(gh), ف (f), ق (q), ك (k), ل (l), م (m), ن (n), و (w), _ (h), ء (’), ى (y). Untuk menunjukkan bunyi hidup panjang (madd) dengan menuliskan coretan di atas huruf âî, dan û. Bunyi hidup dobel (dipthong) Arab ditransliterasikan dengan menggabung dua huruf ay dan aw, seperti layyinah,lawwâmah. Kata yang berakhiran tâ’ marbûṭah dan berfungsi sebagai ṣifah (modifier) atau muḍâf ilayh ditransliterasikan dengan ah, seperti akhlâq karîmahfaḍâ’il al-zakâh, sedangkan yang berfungsi sebagai muḍâf ditransliterasikan dengan at, seperti jannat al-na‘îm.