Tantangan dan Solusi: Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di MA Al-Azhar Center Baturaja

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Arabic is an international language. Like other international languages, Arabic takes work to learn. In this study, researchers conducted research focusing on the factors of learning Arabic. The difficulties faced by students and efforts to overcome these difficulties. So, in the end, the results of this study provided benefits for students, teachers, and schools, especially for MA Al-Azhar Center Baturaja. This research used qualitative. The data collection that was used by researcher were observation, interview, and documentation. Then, the data analysis was used triangulation. In this study, researcher found that were several factors of difficulties in learning Arabic that faced by students, such as, first, the lack of student's knowledge of the basics of Arabic it caused by problematic for students in reading and understanding the meaning of each vocabulary, especially for students who come from public schools (junior high school); second, students have the lack of interest and motivation in learning Arabic because students lack understanding of the material. Then, the efforts made by MA Al-Azhar Center teachers to overcome these difficulties are by holding exceptional guidance and deepening material regarding Arabic, such as nahwu, short, mahfuzad, mutalaah, qiraah, imlak and muhadalah.

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How to Cite
Iriyansyah. (2023). Tantangan dan Solusi: Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di MA Al-Azhar Center Baturaja. Al-Hikmah Jurnal Studi Keislaman Dan Pendidikan, 10(2), 8–15. https://doi.org/10.12065/al-hikmah.v10i2.9


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